Yoko Ono - Part 2
Exhibitionistas PodcastApril 19, 2024x
01:11:1397.83 MB

Yoko Ono - Part 2

Here we are! Part 2 of our episode dedicated to Yoko Ono's retrospective exhibition at Tate Modern, Music of the Mind. We cannot believe we managed to talk about the exhibition but... we used our imagination, and so will you. Follow us virtually in this exploration of Ono's life and work, and, more importantly, her exhibition. We focus on the highlights (for us) as it would be near impossible to talk about everything. There are so many delightful details and pieces that will speak to everyone differently. 

To find out more about it, go to: https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/yoko-ono


Music: Sarturn.
