Yoko Ono - Part 1
Exhibitionistas PodcastApril 05, 2024x
01:13:23100.8 MB

Yoko Ono - Part 1

Enjoy this episode about Music for the Mind, a Yoko Ono retrospective exhibition curated by Juliet Bingham and Patrizia Dander, on show at Tate Modern until September 1rst 2024. It was organized by Tate Modern and Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfallen. 


Instagram: @yokoono

Born in 1933, Yoko Ono lived between three continents, and explored experimental art and music all throughout her life. This exhibition presents us with a lot of her work from the 1950s to today and is extremely collaborative and free. At the ripe age of 91 Yoko Ono is still a creative force that remained, for a great part, uncelebrated. Infamous, even. We hope to deconstruct these biased views and to unfold a rich and bold energy, fully dedicated to art.

How did we navigate such a space? How did we connect to the work? What parts of her life touched us the most?

Tune in and find out!

Music: Sarturn.