About us

Exhibitionistas is the only conversational podcast about exhibitions from the perspective of the spectator.

My co-hosts and I visit solo exhibitions separately in London museums and galleries, and compare notes during the recording. This setting allows us to be spontaneous while also being aware of the artist's intentions and background.

Granted, I'm a special kind of spectator since I'm also a curator and an art historian. Some of my hosts are "insiders" but others do not work in the art field. My priority is for audiences of all backgrounds to find a place where art is discussed in the same way we talk about films and books - in a relaxed manner where both pleasure and insight are the dynamic forces of the experience.

Conversational podcasts render unusual topics accessible and are currently the most popular podcast format. I try my best to work my magic to create a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere to bring to the surface genuine questions (but also some hilarious musings) from a pool of often undisturbed emotional depths. Anything can happen in an exhibition...


Joana P. R. Neves

Founder and Host

Besides working on the podcast, Joana dedicates her time to writing and curating. She has collaborated with museums and galleries across Europe, and writes for magazines, catalogues and monographic books.
She curates and mediates the Talks program of Drawing Now Paris. She has extensive experience of public speaking, teaching and interviewing artists and other art professionals.
In 2018, Joana was appointed artistic director of Drawing Now art fair.
In 2020, she obtained her PhD in Art History at Kingston University.
In 2021, she co-launched Worlding, an artist residency in Elephant and Castle, London. She is currently working on her first book, The Female Drawing Machines, about drawing as technology from a feminist perspective (2026, Bloomsbury).
Joana has led a peripatetic life between Lisbon, Paris and London. She is now based in London with her four kids, her husband Diogo, at times her parents, and the two most magnificent cats you will ever see.


What the people say about us

Apple Podcasts
Lauren Halsey episode

Thank you for the context and explaining the practice of Lauren in depth. Made me loved much more the exhibition and glad I saw it. L

Apple Podcasts
Refreshing approach to art!

What a pair! Funny real and meaningful podcast… Love how clear this podcast shows that to be touched by exhibitions one only needs to bring its own experiences and open mind. I was really touched by this approach: not always easy to find in contemporary art and life in general.

Apple Podcasts
Interesting format

…to inform about artists and exhibitions. Looking forward for the next episode.